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Trimingham Parish Councillors

Trimingham Parish Council is served by 7 elected councillors.  Elections are held every four years, with the last being in May 2023.  Occasionally, a vacancy may arise during the term of office, and normally a new councillor will be co-opted to the Council.

​We meet at least 6 times a year.  Our role in the community is to provide services and facilities for our residents and visitors. We also have a consultation role in respect of planning. We liaise with other statutory and voluntary bodies. 

​We have a Clerk who is also the Responsible Financial Officer for the Council.  Everything the Council does is laid down in law.  It is the clerk's role to ensure the Council acts within the law.

Chairman - Elizabeth King

Elizabeth King

I was born in 1952 in Lingwood Norfolk.  Educated in Norwich Notre Dame, employed by local government, WRNS as a Meteorologist and Oceanographer, BBC East as a weather forecaster, John Lewis as a store detective, then self employed as a restauranteur, fast food purveyor, advertising manager and now owner/editor of the best free magazine in North Norfolk "Crab Tales".

Councillor - Terry Brown

Councillor - Lynn Charlesworth

Councillor - Patrick Carpmael

Patrick Carpmael

Patrick Carpmael lives in Trimingham on the edge of the cliff with his wife June.

He does the day-to-day running of the village website and is interested in Trimingham churchyard, footpaths in general and all things local.

Councillor - Daniel Gotts

Councillor - Chris Harrison

Chris Harrison

My name is Christopher Harrison.  I am 57 years old married to Melissa, father of 3 children and 3 step children.  I have lived in Trimingham all my life.  We farm at Hall Farm and also have a leisure park at Woodland Holiday Park. 

My Hobbies are rugby, 3 of my sons play at Holt RFC and my stepson for Ely RFC.  We enjoy skiing, walking and travelling.  

I was a member of the Parish Council in the mid-eighties and I am glad to serve again.

Our farming and leisure business is very much part of the fabric of the village and I feel it is  important to be part of the working  council to help community and businesses progress and enjoy 

the wonderful environment we live in.

Councillor - Richard Wallis

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